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Adult Piano Offerings!


6-week Lesson Package

Motivated but need a

shorter lesson timeline?

​Sign up for a 6 week lesson package!


You will receive all the same custom lesson benefits as monthly lessons, without the on-going commitment! 


Perfect for players of ANY level, total beginner to advanced! 

Choose from half-hour, 45 minute, or hour long lessons.


All lessons include:

  • one on one instruction time with Anna Larson

  • lessons tailored specifically to your musical interest and skill level! Classical, rock, country, broadway, folk- we're open to it all.

  • sightreading, improvisation, theory, composition, and technique. 

  • studio resources including: Boston grand piano, Nord Electro, Logic Pro

  • digital lesson notes and resources​






Self-motivated & independent?

Have specific musical goals?

Individual lessons could be just what you're looking for!


One-to-one piano lessons provide the most personal and customized lesson experience. Available in-person or on-line, each lesson is created just for you. Choose from half-hour, 45 minute, or hour long lessons.


All lessons include:

  • one on one instruction time with Anna Larson

  • lessons tailored specifically to your musical interest and skill level! Classical, rock, country, broadway, folk- we're open to it all.

  • sightreading, improvisation, theory, composition, and technique. 

  • studio resources including: Boston grand piano, Nord Electro, Logic Pro

  • digital lesson notes and resources


Sign up now for your free intro lesson!  

Anna_ Larson_63851591.jpg

Hi, I'm Anna Larson! 


Welcome to The Music House. Ready to play piano like you've always wanted? I've been sharing my love of the piano with students just like you for over 20 years. I've been on a lifelong journey to unlock my individual self through piano- and I can't wait to share what I've learned with you! Join us!

Welcome to The Music House...



Ready to get started, but have questions?

I get it! You're busy, and you want to make sure The Music House is right for you. Read on for answers to some common student questions:


  • I took piano a long time ago- I'm not sure I remember anything! Don't worry! Our classes and lessons are  designed for beginners and people who've had some piano in the past, no matter how long ago. 

  • I'm really busy- how much practice will I need to do?  You will learn the "Ten Minute Practice Plan" to make the most out of even the smallest amounts of time. 

  • I'm not tech savvy. Will accessing resources or set up for online lessons/classes be difficult? Lessons resources are shared via google drive, or printed and shared in person. All you need is zoom (on a laptop/computer or tablet preferably) and an instrument of some kind. No fancy microphones or cameras needed. You will receive a short tutorial video on a few easy tips on using zoom, and we can walk through google drive during the class.  I'm happy to answer any and all tech questions!

  • How does an music class work online? â€‹â€‹Students stay  muted BUT hear and play along with anyone who is unmuted !   Students receive plenty of resources and guidance on how to get their tech set-up just right.   Individual lessons on zoom are very flexible, and allow for a lot of playing back and forth- just like "in person"!  Online classes also allow for close up camera angles of the keyboard AND light up keys. 

More questions? Ask away:

Ready to join us?
Hit the blue button &
get started today!

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